Monday, March 10, 2014

Any time but the present

I fear I am at once an adolescent girl just wanting to start my life and rebel and rejoice and reject, while at the same time I am grievously wounded by my childlessness.  I look for daughters everywhere.  I will never have any daughters.  My behavior strikes me as bizarre.  I'm caught in at least one time warp, and I desire to be living in any time but the present.


  1. I don't mean to flatter you with this comment, but a current desire to be living in anytime but the present is, I think, a sign of intelligence, even if it suggests to some that you're not "well-adjusted." I often share your feelings. My life in a way consists of sitting around waiting for the phone to ring. When I am apparently "on the run," "out and about," I'm waiting for the cell phone to ring. When it does ring, it sometimes affords me to perform work and send bills to people who are happy to benefit from the work, but dislike receiving and delay paying the bills. I have lost track of today's celebrities, even though I try to keep up through magazines, but can't understand why I do since both the ones I don't recognize and those that I do say such stupid things and behave so badly. Lorde is considered a bright light artist with a mediocrity like Royals. And a cup of coffee in Greenpoint, Brooklyn costs more than $10.00.


  2. Thank you for sharing your experience, Curtis. I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier, but I've had a rough day. I barely felt as though I was living it. Althought he particular circumstances of my daily existence are surely different than yours, I can relate to your description of waiting for events to happen to punctuate and define time. Ten dollars for coffee? No thank you. Gentrification coming to Greenpoint? Isn't that the location of Hannah's aparment (Girls)? Perhaps you're not a fan. I'm a big Lena Dunham fan. Usually. I suppose tomorrow has to be better. Nell

    1. No, not a big Girls fan, but I am aware of the phenomenon. My "consistent" tv watching habits are much different than they used to be. I think the last time I watched shows regularly was a long time ago and the ones I hated to miss were Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart, Rockford Files, Dallas and SCTV. As Willie Nelson put it so well, Funny How Time Slips Away. Like now -- ack -- I should be in bed! Lots of work (or something like that) to do tomorrow, which of course is today. Curtis
