Sunday, April 8, 2012

Holiday Weekend

I think I've been on vacation this weekend.  Despite the ongoing parent crisis churning in Yonkers, I haven't been thinking about it as much as I should.  Oh, there's that Inner Judge again.  The truth is, I've have so much on my mind this weekend and quite a bit of it has had absolutely nothing at all to do with them.  Dare I say it, but I've been spending some of my time being happy and laughing.  It is, after all, a holiday weekend.

On Facebook, friends are sending greetings for a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter.  Although we don't actively celebrate either, I was moved by their wishes, and have acknowledged them with a sincere "Happy Passover!" or "Happy Easter"! I didn't include the caveat that, by the way, we don't do anything for Passover or Easter in my household.  Sometimes, it's best to be semi-authentic and tolerate differences.  Why unnecessarily put a damper on someone else's holiday? 

I've been calling my mother and step-father frequently.  My step-sister took the train down from Boston and has been there with my brother since Friday.  Last night, all three of us had a mostly civil, somewhat contentious telephone discussion.  We are all so different, and were trying very hard not to offend each other, each in our own way.  There were some heated moments which I diffused by saying something to the effect of, "This is a very difficult stressful time for all of us, and we'll all have to do the best we can".  I was willing to have another discussion today, but both of them demurred.  I like to talk.  They don't.  I told them that I was fine with that.  But, I was lying.  They are precisely the people I need right now to help me sort out my feelings.  Unfortunately, there were so many other issues lurking behind our words  - so much unresolved anger and disappointment mixed with despair and fear, and probably other emotions of which I'm unaware.

But today, the sun is shining, the air is seasonably warm, and I am driving to Loudon County for a belly dancing class.  I've been dancing a lot this weekend.  It makes me happy.  Is that a crime?


  1. Belly-dancing, Loudon County, seasonable warmth. It sounds so far from crime! No doubt that it explains why the question of crime keeps coming up.

    "I like to talk. They don't." I wonder if "like" is exactly the word. I do like to walk, but the main thing is that without it, there's no motion.

    Happy Omnibus Holiday. Though I married into it, I love Passover, with its theme of practical liberation.

  2. The second time you've mentioned "motion". This is a new concept to me, and is not something I've dwelled on very much, and is something I'll think about. I suppose I have danced around it in so many words and thoughts in my analytic work, but the word motion does give the notion a more concrete definition.

    As for committing a crime, yes, I'm guilty. Dr. B has often suggested that I don't allow myself to feel happiness for at least a couple of different reasons. I'm guessing I'm not alone in that. I'm also actually excited about my class this afternoon. That is also something fairly new for me.

    I happen to love Passover as well. It's such a happy holiday for the reason you cited, and also because seders are just so much fun. I was born into it, but my husband wasn't and I can't persuade him to join me in celebrating. Maybe next year.

    Happy Holiday!
